Words without barriers

Friday, 26 September 2014

Fair Friday

You only see me now, the tired nod, the reassuring smile that says I'm fine. You only hear the funny stories, the jokes I attempt to make without getting the real punchline. You don't get to see the truth and you never will. Ever get the feeling that no matter how hard you try, things are just never right? Like reading a book and the ending sucks the wind out of you and leaves you there, not comprehending, gasping for air, grasping blindly at some sort of solid shape you can count on. Friends, I watched us as we changed. Slowly but surely. Of course that would happen, it's inevitable. I forgive you because I too, have changed. Life is not so simple now. There are too many new variables. Each goodbye suggests a longer separation, every hello so much more precious. When life suggests a change you do two things-try to fight it or try to accept it. I say try because either may not necessarily work out. But whatever it is that you choose, remember that life does and will always go on. The world will never stop spinning and your heart will keep beating.

Good luck and all the love from me,


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